The NRA has launched an introductory Pistol Course that is ideal for beginners to learn pistol safety and marksmanship or shooters who want to fine tune their skills. Using a simulator means that there is no live fire. This is perfect to introduce you to handguns, get some excellent one on one shooting instruction and hopefully stir your interest in taking a live fire class in the near future.
This course focuses on the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship and demystifies topics such as aiming, trigger control, hold control, breath control and proper follow through. It uses a Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT) professional training pistol that is hefty enough to feel realistic and has a functional magazine and sights. This is paired with a Laser Activated Shot Reporting system to record all shots that are fired. The end result? You will leave the class seeing how the basic fundamentals, when applied, really work and you will be ready to take a live fire class.
Contact us here about this training.