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Congratulations to H’s Heroes!

per·fec·tion [per-fek-shuhn] noun 1. the state or quality of being or becoming perfect. 2.the highest degree of proficiency, skill, or excellence, as in some art. 3.a perfect embodiment or example of something. 4. a quality, trait,…

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Training in your neighborhood

  If you have 10 or more people in your church or social organization and would like for Home Front Freedom to bring our training to your facility, please give us a call at (252)…

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Happy Flag Day

Here at Home Front Freedom, we fly the flag for every class.  It’s just a tradition we’ve done since our first class.  In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates…

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First Class a Success

Today was our first class.  While only having a week to promote it, we had some excited participants.  A couple of them drove 2 hours from Wilmington to attend.  The class went awesome and without…

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A New Partnership

PKat Arms, Inc. and Home Front Freedom have partnered to provide products and services to one another’s customer base.  Pete Bocker of PKat Arms, Newport’s newest gun shop, is excited to promote Home Front Freedom’s…

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