Your family is very precious cargo. With all of the chaos going on in the world these days, you need to make sure that you possess the knowledge, the skills and the right attitude to make a difference in a situation that we hope and pray none of you will ever have to contend with. But that’s just it. Did we ever think that we would see our entire country locked down? Did we ever think that civil unrest would take over and burn down a police station? Did we ever think that the evil ones, who would rather kill you or your family members than look at you would take over sections of cities? Did you ever think that we would fight an invisible enemy? On New Year’s Eve 2020, none of us saw all of this coming! And in just 6 months, our whole world has been turned upside down.
Here’s the facts: 1) Things could get better. 2) Things could get worse. 3) Things could get REALLY worse. Irregardless, are you prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones? Do you have the skills, the proper mindset, and the attitude to make it home to be wrapped in your loved ones’ arms again? I’m serious! As much as I despise the word now, these are truly unprecedented times. Unprecedented times require unprecedented measures. We have never before had people on the wait lists for our classes for every single class. We have stepped up our schedule to accommodate various needs that we are aware of. We are teaching Instructor Courses, Basic Courses and of course many, many Concealed Carry Handgun Courses. If there is a course that you do not see on the schedule, please contact us with what you want and we will try to accommodate the need of your group. I will list scheduled courses below, as well as links for those which are not on the schedule. Please be safe and responsible during these times. Maintain both your awareness and your social distancing for your protection.