New Gun Laws have gone into effect…
Make sure that you are up to speed on the latest gun laws that went into effect October 1, 2013.
- Find out where you can carry concealed
- Where you cannot carry concealed
- Get up to speed with all the latest that has been passed by the NC Legislature
If you took your Concealed Carry Handgun class prior to October 2013, then this class is important to keep you informed of all the changes to the current gun laws.
This class is in conjunction with all of our currently scheduled Concealed Carry Classes. You sign up for the Legal Update, you show up at 1:00 PM, you leave at 3:00 PM. There is not test, no certification, no range, and no lunch (but you are welcome to snacks). You pay $15.00 to get information that can keep you from legal battles. Now that’s a bargain!
Current Concealed Carry Handgun Permit Holders Only
Information to Prepay using PayPal:
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